Capstone: Lou Library -
This project was an exercise in creating the project from start to finish. Everything from the projects function, site, and design were chosen by me. I chose to create a public library with a restaurant and a garden. The garden has two parts, one for leisure and academic purposes and the other to help provide herbs and vegetables for the restaurant. View the PDF to see the Final Presentation boards.
Lou Library’s mission is to provide a safe, diverse, and encouraging space for learning, life preparation, and nourishment for all.
One of the best things about the Midwest is the beautiful sunsets. St. Louis is one of the key cultural cities of the Midwest and has its own beautiful backdrop for sunsets. The Lou Library utilizes colors from St. Louis sunsets, concentric circles, and rays to embody the beauty of this time of day.
Organizing Graphic:
The layout of the design is based around the rays of light visible in the sunset. These rays are laid out around a central atrium space that goes from the first floor of the building to the third. These rays define circulation along with concentric circles surrounding the atrium space.
St. Louis, Missouri
Spring, 2020
Programs Used: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Revit, and Auto Cad

COVID Response:
Some material selections in this project have special aspects in response to the Covid-19 pandemic which affected this project and semester heavily. Countertops and one of the flooring choices are Terrazzo which is easily cleanable. Flooring in toilet rooms and areas where food is handled are concrete. Extra care was also taken to choose materials that could be cleaned more easily.
The Building:
Address: 1100 Clark Ave. St. Louis, MO 63102
Footprint: 9350 Sq. Ft.
Volume: 589,050 Cubic Ft.
Environmental Influences:
Prevailing winds on average are 9.9 mph from the northwest Structure: Two rows of steel columns, centrally located (32’ from exterior wall, 21’ column to column). These unbraced columns span from the basement to the top of the building. There are steel structural trusses supporting the penthouse level. Main entry for public is on the North while the secondary entry is on the East.
Exterior Conditions:
Glazing covers a large portion of the North and East exterior walls, and Penthouse walls.
The Cannon Design building is a great fit for Lou Library due to its size, aesthetic, structure, and location. The building is almost the perfect size to fit Lou’s program of spaces with an amount of space to spare. The building itself gives off the air of openness and elevation which plays into the aesthetic needed. Located across from the Courthouse and within walking distance of the Aquarium, Busch Stadium, and the Enterprise Center this is a great location for the restaurant. Cannon Design is also very open, allowing for large open spaces without structural components interrupting them.
Influence of the Building on the Design:
The Cannon Design building’s main influential aspect was the giant arched windows. The arches tied easily into the concept of the project but demand to be seen as they are a key visual aspect of the building. The second level and a portion of the third level of the building are pulled away from the windows to allow for them to be seen from inside the space. The existing entrance also affected the design because it is set at street level, about 8 feet below the first level and about 6 feet above the basement level. This meant that to leave usable space in the basement, the entrance had to either go up or down to meet a level. The penthouse level of Cannon has two portions that are open air which allowed for easy integration of the two planned garden spaces. Existing structure was minimal allowing for ease of integration of the design. Due to the smaller size of the building, the generous space requirements were edited to make the project fit and flow better.